Wednesday 4 May 2011



This is the beginning of my new journal for all my work. Please excuse some of the items for appearing random and out of context to design, but you'll get it in the end, trust me. This is the second part of the journal as I have already done some work on paper. So basically the story so far is that I want to make lamps based on anthropomorphism, like bio-design but solely focusing on humans who are the consumers of the product. I looked in to the various aspects that make things appear human, like this guy:
After that I found myself led in to looking at yin and yang and how the contrast is harmonious, not conflicting and that in tradition yin and yang can represent masculine and feminine. This ties in nicely to the anthropomorphic idea's i was having before and gave me a better track to focus on, which really is where this online journal starts. Now, I am looking at personality, and masculine and feminine traits. Here goes... 

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